The Shuren Principle

Words can change the lives of individuals.
The art of calligraphy paints the words. I express words as I think them, not as I see them. As a calligrapher, l want my works to encourage and empower people.


秀蓮The Calligraphy-artistShuren

The real beauty of calligraphy resides,
not in its form, but in the heart for others. I believe in this spirit of calligraphy.



Your time is limited. How do you live?
The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.





Lake BiwaEnegy of Moonlight

Moonlight illuminates mother Lake Biwa No matter how dark it gets, don't give up, you can overcome it.
The message for LEXUS owner in LEXUS Otsu

敬天愛人Keiten Aijin

Revere Heaven Love People





The work,
which is full of soul,
will give people empowerment help grow.

The behavior will change if the mind changes. Habits change if action chages.Personality will change if the custom changes. The destiny will change if the personality changes.
William James

Cherry Blossoms

In Japan, people think about their own lives in the cherry blossoms.

Living means having dreams and taking on challenges no matter how old you are.
When spring comes, flowers will surely bloom in your lifetime.
Like this 「SAKURA-cherry blossom」calligraphy.



The Shuren Principle